Course Expectation

Meetings are a fixture in business life. It’s how we collaborate, brainstorm, update each other, and keep projects in sync and on track. Good meeting management skills help with team productivity, accountability, and work efficiency. That’s why we’ve provided many tools and training to teach you best practices and effective meeting fundamentals.

However, running an effective meeting today is much more complicated when half of your meeting attendees are physically present and the other half attend virtually.  We call this a HYBRID meeting format. It takes new skills to ensure your meeting is engaging and effective for everyone due to the diverse logistics. As the meeting organizer or moderator, you have to consider the meeting logistics from multiple perspectives, the people in the room and the people outside of the room. This requires you to employ all the best practices for in-person meetings, plus all the best practices for fully virtual meetings, then you must connect these two together so they can talk to each other effectively. In this course, we build on effective meeting fundamentals for in-person and virtual meetings and teach you new techniques for getting the most from your meetings when some people are in the room, and some are not.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    New Chapter

    • Meet the Facilitator:

    • Constructing your Pre-meeting plan with care:

    • Assembling your meeting Production team:

    • Testing your meeting technology - Meeting Day:

    • Executing your Meeting:

    • Addressing re-caps and meeting Follow-ups:

    • Course Summary + Final Quiz: